The Dr Boyce Watkins 10 minute Business Plan
The Dr Boyce Watkins 10 Minute Business Plan allows you, within 10 minutes, to shape the trajectory of your business, your business model and your long-term economic plan.
Grab a sheet of paper, and answer these questions. The document is designed for you and those you trust. You can use this document to ensure that you're clear about the structure of your organization, your objectives and your principles.
1) What is the name of your company?
2) What is your core product going to be? Also, what are some tangential products you can create for the business that will supplement the core product?
3) What methods are you going to use to reach your customers?
4) Who is your "avatar" or ideal customer? Where are they? How can they benefit from your product?
5) What are the biggest opportunities for your company to pursue?
6) What are some of the biggest threats to your organization?
7) Write (in less than 200 words) your "elevator pitch." This statement should consist of what your company does, who it serves and how it helps that customer.
8) What is the url for your website going to be?
9) What is your process for obtaining or creating the products that you're going to sell?
10) Where will you obtain the financing necessary to begin your company?
11) When the customer buys the product, how are you going to get it to them?
12) What is your sales process? Meaning, how are you going to convince the customer to buy your product?
13) Do you have any competition? If so, how are you either going to differentiate from them or compete with them?
14) How are you going to collect money from your customers when they want to pay you?
15) What are our core values as an organization?