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Black Money 101: An Introduction to the Power of Money
Introduction to the Course- How to Get the Most out of the Course
A special message from Dr Boyce Watkins
Black Money 101 Course Road Map
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Unit 1: Economic Introduction-Money Basics
What every black person needs to know about money (20:19)
What is Asset Allocation? (4:22)
How to open your first investment account (it's actually very easy) (9:23)
The Basics of Building Wealth - Powerpoint presentation - 30 minutes (27:21)
Three things rich people do that others do not (15:31)
Unit 2: Economic Self Defense
Dr Boyce Watkins: 7 ways to become financially fit in 10 minutes or less
The rules of economic self-defense (91:13)
Ask an attorney: Lebron is better at business than sports, here's why (61:14)
These mistakes can cause you to lose all of your wealth in a generation (54:39)
Unit 3: Economic Prosperity tools that will change your family for generations
How to practically guarantee that your child will be a millionaire (15:07)
Teaching your kids to play the game at the top (5:47)
Watch Dr Boyce Watkins' new film, "The Secrets of Black Financial Intelligence" (88:30)
Unit 4: The secrets to building a strong business
How to start your own business (105:32)
Effective communication in business (5:32)
How to create a winning business plan (77:12)
Unit 5: How to market yourself and your economic enterprise
Business & Social Media Use Issues (16:15)
How to network your business the right way (5:18)
Using video to build your brand (6:26)
Unit 6: Economic Proof- Practical Examples
How this woman and her husband escaped $110,000 in debt (14:01)
This HBCU president gave 100% of his salary back to the university (15:30)
How this 19-year old turned $1,000 into $30,000 by starting her own business (30:59)
Dr Claud Anderson visits The Black Wealth Bootcamp (52:24)
Ryan McCrary - Founder of McCrary Financial Solutions (50:52)
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Supplement 1: Advice from Dr Boyce
The Middle Class Is Dying
The Half-Million Dollar Happy Meal (5:48)
4 ways black people are brainwashed from birth (9:48)
Is It Worth It To Go To College?
Dr Boyce: Why black people waste our $1.1 trillion (54:48)
Dr Boyce Financial Q&A - 7/23/16 (96:04)
Dear Black People: Never try to be a one-man corporation (6:08)
If you want an amazing life, do this (4:12)
Supplement 2: Financial tips that will set you apart from the pack
Here's a surefire way to avoid overspending (5:41)
Dr Boyce Watkins special lecture: The secrets to obtaining financial security (85:34)
Here's why buying a new car is a horrible financial investment (172:50)
Dr Boyce Watkins analyzes the wealth gaps in America (92:05)
Two college professors explain how universities are ruining black wealth (62:50)
Supplement 3: Special guests who understand financial power
Here's how to be an effective leader (18:49)
Dr King wasn't killed till he started talking about money (33:58)
Dr Claud Anderson's analysis of the effects of immigration policy on the black economy
A psychologist explains why you might be afraid to be an entrepreneur (27:48)
Why doctors and lawyers rarely get rich (22:56)
Do our people even know what it means to have power? - Dr Claud Anderson (57:50)
Supplement 4: Class recordings
Dr Boyce Watkins presents: The 7 golden rules of love and money (57:49)
Office hours - 10/19/15 (95:22)
Lottery Winner Keeps Bailing Out Boyfriend
Office hours - 10/28/15 (79:47)
Black Wealth Conversation - 12/23/16 (87:20)
Dr Boyce Black Wealth Q&A - 1/4/17 (73:26)
Dr Boyce Q&A session on investing - 1/7/17 (80:40)
Dr Boyce Watkins Black Wealth Q&A - 4/2/17 (103:49)
A really awesome Q&A session with Dr Boyce Watkins (103:49)
Why Warren Buffett doesn't trust cryptocurrency - 2/15/18 (96:23)
Black Wealth Conversation with Dr Boyce - Why are only 10 of the world's billionaires black? (51:02)
Dr Boyce presents: How to create a Black Economic and Educational Excellence Package for your child's future (145:59)
Dr Boyce Watkins on The Breakfast Club (35:43)
Dr Boyce Watkins on the Breakfast Club - Why you should own assets for the sake of your freedom (49:35)
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