How to build a powerhouse brand and make money as a blogger or writer

Getting your name out there takes a lot of work, but we know the answers

  Enroll in Course

The world is filled with thousands of aspiring writers, all chasing a small number of limited opportunities. We write because we have something to say and because we are passionate. We've also heard that the Internet has opened the door for anyone with a laptop to go into Starbucks every morning and change the world.

Then, reality sets in. We find that the corporate jobs don't pay what they should and are short-lived. We also discover that it's difficult to gain traction as an independent writer, publishers aren't interested in our manuscripts and paying the rent as a writer is more difficult than getting on stage with Beyonce.

Our membership platform for writers is to help you find a low-cost way to get things done without having to get there the hard way. The professors teaching this program have many years of experience teaching at the college level. They've earned millions of dollars as writers throughout the years. Dr Watkins' articles have received over 100 million reads.

In other words, you'd be learning from and and be mentored by the best.

In this class, you'll learn these things, among others:

1) How to build an audience for your writing

2) How to write in a way that is effective, powerful and grammatically correct

3) How to get your book into print in case publishers aren't interested

4) How to monetize your writing in a multitude of ways.

5) How to build your brand as a writer, public figure or authority/expert.

6) How to get traffic to your blog or website

This list is not nearly exhaustive, since the goal is to give you any and every boost possible to help you become a success.

Course Curriculum

  Writing like a champion - Dr Tyra Seldon
Available in days
days after you enroll

Courses Included with Purchase

Ask Dr Boyce
Learn from the questions and answers provided by America's favorite Finance Professor
Dr Boyce Watkins

Original Price: $1,199

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
You'll have access to the course and all materials for as long as you're a member.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Do I have to have a book or pages written in order to join the course?

No! You can come in without any pages, any books or even without an idea. We help you through all of this. In fact, some might say it's better if you're just getting started, since we won't have to help you overcome any bad habits in your process.

Why is there a monthly fee?

This program is based on consistent, on-going mentorship. So, rather than a one-time course where the professors leave your life forever, Drs Seldon and Watkins are here with you for as long as you're member of the program. This is the reason that the course's revenue model is built upon a low monthly fee rather than one rate. We challenge you to compare it to the cost of taking a writing course at a major university.

The added benefit is that Drs Watkins and Seldon don't just teach you how to become a better writer, they show you how to survive in the writing marketplace. This consultation add-on makes the program very, very powerful.

How do I unsubscribe from the course?
Unsubscribing is very easy. Just login at Go to the upper right hand side of the screen and hit the word "admin." After that, go to the bottom left where your name is located and hit the up arrow. Then, click on "Your profile." From there, you can hit "Manage Subscriptions," which will then allow you to unsubscribe from the course.
How do I request a refund if I am not satisfied?
We offer a 30-day, no questions asked, 100% refund policy. For all refund requests or cancellations, please send a message to [email protected]. Your query will be processed within 24 - 48 hours
What if I can't access the content?
There are some times when your browser may give you a blank page, making it difficult for you to see the content. Whenever you encounter a blank white page, refresh your web browser to force the page to load. If that doesn't work, the next best thing is to clear your cache and cookies then click 'start' again. You should be all set after either of these steps.

Get started now!