15 Things Every Black Child Needs to Know About MONEY
Knowing This Language Will Turn Your Child into a Wealth Builder, a Saver and an Investor, and the Impact Will Last FOR LIFE
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One of the most critical factors in developing generational wealth is culture. When a community's culture is conducive to the creation of productive financial habits, people tend to make better decisions, control their own destinies and raise children who are highly-empowered to be successful.
American public schools do not teach children even the most basic financial literacy, and this can lead to a lifetime of problems, including consistent unemployment, chronic amounts of debt, overspending, poverty and ongoing economic despair. But these problems can be prevented by getting your child started early on the path to understanding money and investing, gaining a set of tools that will serve as the economic fuel for an empowered and liberated existence.
This course, led by Finance professor Dr Boyce Watkins, gives your child a chance to have a real college experience. Dr Watkins explains numerous concepts in steady language that a child of any age can understand. By watching these videos along with your child, you will both get to hear America's leading Finance scholar provide the blueprint for an economically prosperous existence.
After you watch the videos, Dr Watkins provides a series of self-study quizzes that will allow you to test your child to ensure that they've memorized the concepts from the course. We guarantee that after taking this class, your children will be far ahead of their classmates, which will set the tone for the rest of their lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
After your child finishes this course, they will understand the following:
1) The difference between being a consumer and a producer
2) Why a high income is not the same as being wealthy
3) The importance of avoiding debt unless it is for a profitable or productive reason
4) What it means to make a profit
5) The nature of taxes and the importance of having a tax strategy for your business
6) What it means to invest and produce a produce
7) The dangers of overspending, consuming, or borrowing too much money
8) The definition of interest and interest rates
Much, much more.
This is an investment that your children will cherish for the rest of their lives. If you're not satisfied for any reason, we offer a 100%, money-back guarantee.